
Best class mass effect 2
Best class mass effect 2



You are new to the series and/or mainly are playing for the story.

best class mass effect 2

  • You don’t want to mess around with powers.

    You imagine your Shepard being like an 80’s action movie star.New players dipping their toe in the Mass Effect water for the first time.Tank players looking to soak up tons of damage.Players looking to avoid the Power systems in the game.Weapon specialists looking to carry the best firepower without consequence.It was both effective and made me feel like a Batman villain, a win-win. I really enjoyed the cryo rounds, too, which freeze enemies in place and weaken their armor. The soldier class was the class that I used when I first played through the series mostly ‘cause I thought being a space army man was really cool, and I found it to be the most straightforward way to experience the game. You also will have access to crowd control tool Concussive Shot, and the class passive ability, Fitness, which lets your Shepard take more damage with a shield boost, as well as a melee buff of 15%. The Soldier is able to handle the best guns in Mass Effect without any of the difficulties that the other classes have, and the only power that the player will have to worry about utilizing is Adrenaline Rush, which slows time and lets you line up for the perfect headshot. The class is perfect for new players to the series that want to play the game like a traditional third-person cover shooter or players that could care less about biotics The Soldier class is the most standard and commonly used in Mass Effect 3, largely being considered the default class throughout the series. The Soldier class finds itself here on the list not because it isn’t effective, but because it’s pretty basic and honestly boring (combat-wise). The Soldier class will really having you feel like a badass space commando

    best class mass effect 2

    I’ve gone on long enough, though, let’s get into some classes! 6. So keep in mind that any one of these classes is going to give you an enjoyable experience, but some will give you a bit more bang for your buck. Mass Effect 3 inherited many of the same classes that appear throughout the series, but they are all tweaked to fit the third game’s combat changes, and as a result some are far more effective and just plain fun than others. Now I know what you’re thinking? Aren’t these choices all subjective and all balanced to be equally powerful? Yes and no. Or using that little drone that distracts them and then… you know what you get the idea! With so many ways to take down baddies in this game I thought it would be nice to take a look at all the classes in Mass Effect 3 and rank them from worst to best.

    best class mass effect 2

    The Mass Effect series may be better known for it’s space opera story than it’s cover-based combat system, but that doesn’t mean you’re not going to spend many hours of Mass Effect 3 shooting at bad guys.

    Best class mass effect 2